And so 2014 begins! The last few months have flown by with just so much to work through, lots to do, and many, many balls in the air. Really hoping that this is now the start of a much quieter year - on all fronts, but especially for the Nate-star. He continues to do really well, and we're hoping that the next few rounds of hospital appointments follow the same trend. Here are some more shots of him from over the Christmas / New Year period.....
I like to stand (and hold court at the same time!)
Playing with Donald
Having a giggle with Mummy
Flying my plane with some backwards stepping
Current favourite toy - spins and makes (repetitive) noises :-)
His big reveal after a game of his favourite, 'where's Nate'!
Here are some promised photos of the house progress, although everything has pretty much stopped with the Christmas / New Year break. We are hoping that the rest can be completed throughout January, although the list of things for the builders/tradesman to complete, still feels pretty long. We also haven't really begun to unpack much beyond the kitchen - everything is still pretty much in the garage (as you can see from the below photo) - because the internal painting is not complete enough yet for us to move things into wardrobes and storage cupboards etc. So it's still a little bit like camping, albeit glamour-camping with a fully spec'ed kitchen and bathroom :-)
New pergola up, still to be painted properly, fireplace still to go in
Looking back towards the house
Looking around the side
Formal lounge area with a fair bit still to do!
Kitchen is all in, and gorgeous
Looking down the hallway
The garage, and this isn't even the half of it!
And the piece de resistance...check out Nate-star's room!
Nate-star's completed digs :-)........
...where lets hope he sleeps peacefully!
New Year's Eve was a quiet night for us all. Nate, the girls and I shared some take-out, and then a New Year toast with Mum and Dad later in the evening. Robin was on a plane en route to the UK to see his father who is very unwell, and he arrived there New Year's Eve UK-time. The original plan was for Robin to be away from the 7th till the 31st, but this has been brought forward with Robin now away until the 23rd of January. It's fantastic that Robin is now over there with his Dad and his family, although challenging with his Dad being so terribly unwell.
A shot with Daddy before he flew out
Sending him on his way
With Mia (Dad, you better grow some more!)
Nate-star hanging out with the gramps at the house. Doesn't look too worried without Daddy around yet, but it's early days!!
Morning cuddles with Mummy
Daddy sent across a shot of him as a wee one. Check out the baggy pants :-). I think Nate-star will 'out-cool' Daddy in the style front, but i must admit Daddy was a cutie!
Daddy also sent an mpeg of Nate's other Grandad (Robin's Dad, Roy) back in the UK. Here he is in action back in September 2013, doing what he loves. A very talented man. Wish we had the opportunity for Nate and Roy to easily meet, but instead he gives Grandad his gummy smiles over Skype :-)
January the 9th has just past, and Nate is now ten months old (eight and a half corrected). In fact, we'll soon need to start planning his first birthday party :-). We'll probably opt for a little bit more fanfare than my recent 40th (which came at a bad time on the renovation front), but was a lovely evening shared with my folks, Grandy, Chris and Norm, and Mike and Claire.
Developmentally Nate is doing really well. He continues to get stronger, and while delayed, is progressing nicely. His latest trick is a spot of sitting :-). It's short durations at this stage, and he can't transition himself to or from this position as yet, but we are sure he soon will!
Nate-star's new trick!
Nate now has two teeth on their way through, and he weighs in at 8.44kg (roughly around the 40% percentile), with a length of 71.5cm (roughly the 60% percentile), and a head circumference of 46.5cm (the 90% percentile), so he is slowly growing into his larger head :-)
Here are some of our more recent video's of him in action......
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