Well Daddy is home and it's been a busy couple of weeks for Nate catching up with him! After only staring and smiling at Robin on Skype for the past month, there was great excitement about being able to chat and 'paw' at him in person! The legs go into excitement overdrive regularly! (Nate's that is, not mine!)
Mini-me outfit from Daddy!
With Daddy en route to a Starship appointment
And since Daddy got home, we seem to have got in to a slightly better routine on managing Nate, our respective work commitments, running a household, and fitting in all of Nate's various appointments. Fingers crossed that continues! Of course, it wouldn't be at all possible without Granny, Grandaddy and Nanny Sylvie....doesn't bear thinking about really.
The house renovation is still ongoing, and a little less easy to manage along with everything else, but here's hoping we will be through all that soon. Touch wood - literally.
We have even managed to get out and do some fun stuff with Nate since Robin has been home! Check him out.....
First time at Grey Lynn Paddling Pool!
First time on a swing!
Hanging out the Grey Lynn Park!
Time for a snack!
Back at the pool, walking Mummy around!
Got my ball, and I'm not letting it go!
And we even had a play date with Nate's girlfriend from NICU - gorgeous little Mackenzie! Nate spent most of his time staring at her, while she had a play with his lovely array of toys - but eventually he made his move and grabbed her hand :-). So cute! Hopefully we see more of Taryn and Mackenzie this year!
Chilling with Mackenzie!
Nate continues to do really well. Today at 11months 2 weeks (or 10months 1week adjusted), he weighed in at 9.22kg, which is bang on the 50% percentile for his adjusted age. His length was 74cm which is a 2cm growth, and puts him slightly above the 50% percentile for length. His head continues to track just above the 91st percentile. So good growth.....but.....also some good teething going on (is teething ever really good!?!). With two bottom front teeth well out now, it looks like we have some more on their way - there is a lot of biting happening and a fair amount of drool (Nate that is, not Robin).
Developmentally, he continues to get stronger - getting on all fours and creeping are still too much of a challenge for him, but it is progressing. Loves to stand though, so really not sure if the crawling thing will be much of his gig! His latest party trick is clapping - loves to grin at Grandaddy, and clap his hands at him (although at this stage there is more similarity with a seal clapping than a person - Nate that is, not Grandaddy - but it's coming together!). Waving goodbye is also starting to feature in his repertoire. Along with a couple of new sounds emerging :-)
Peaceful moment with Mummy....
...finally she stops singing :-)
We also had a session with our Developmental Paediatrician recently - things seem really pretty promising right now. As I mentioned last time, we do expect some surgeries to come this year, but for now no real majors. We will have a spine x-ray when we are next in at Starship (March for yet another hearing test), but more just to make sure there are no signs of any spine curvatures as yet. Those are not at all uncommon with T9M, so we are keen to be on the front foot with seeing any sign - that way we can try to target the issue with physio. Anything really to avoid what is a possibility (but a small possibility) of Nate having to have yearly rod surgeries on his spine for possible scoliosis or kyphosis (yes more words we wish we didn't have to know about!). So we are pleased we will have the X-ray as a benchmark to monitor against over time.
Also this month is rare disease day - not really convinced on the word disease, in my mind its more a condition or a disorder, but nonetheless that is the term that was decided in in the UK. I also found out recently that there are more like 85 T9Ms in the world, far less than the previous 120 odd that we thought there were. Our boy just gets rarer and rarer, and more and more precious :-)
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