Monday, July 21, 2014

The latest on the littlest greatest...

We've had a great few weeks with our boy - with good health, and even better progress!

At 16months 1week, Nate now weighs in at 10.18kg, with a length of 79.8cm, and head circumference of 48.5cm. Pleasingly his head has dropped back from the 91st percentile to more like the 85%. However his weight and height have also unfortunately dropped off, with him currently sitting at about the 40%. Probably impacted by the virus he had a few weeks back. So some fattening meals coming his way soon!

We also saw our Developmental Paediatrician last week, who was pleased with his progress. We have made the decision to delay any surgery for now, with the exception of being put under to try to get an accurate read on his hearing so we can get a hearing aid - and we are now just waiting on that to be scheduled. We also have another sleep study coming up next week, and hopefully he will pass that with flying colours!

Here are a few pics of the man of the month...(well the man of every month!)...

Loves to help Sylvie sweep!

And here he is at home working out with Deb.....

Here he is playing with all his treasures from the great annual The Warehouse Toy Sale (shameless plug!)......we are hoping these will help his skills develop even more (at least that's how I justify the bills! :-)). First up is another 'poetry in motion' sequence of our cheeky monkey.......

With my new tool bench, & modelling my jumper from Great Gran
Daddy working on his new truck.....
...for many hours on end :-)
Finished product!
His stationary wheels

Hanging out with mummy and daddy...

Me & my BooBoo

Here he is at Chipmunks in Albany....

And on a play date with gorgeous little Louie.....funny watching him, he wasn't so sure about sharing his toys, or his Daddy for that matter! A good reminder of 'typical'....:-)

And last but not least - great excitement - Granny and Grandaddy are coming home this week!! The little man won't know what has hit him! He will be looking forward to showing off his newest trick.....some unsupported walking...unfortunately this is all we have on video but he is getting a little stronger with it each and every day!

Nate Selfie 1
Nate Selfie 2