Monday, February 29, 2016

An update on our 2y11m little man

Exciting news, our nearly three year old boy is finally graduating to the BIG boy Kea Room at his daycare! Normally kids move to that room at around the age of two years, but we made the decision to delay his transition to allow him to develop more at his own pace and to keep him in a room that had a slightly higher teacher to child ratio. Plus he was so loved and treasured in his old room! However he is definitely well and truely ready for the new room, and after a very well managed transition by the Daycare team, he has settled in and adapted very very well. The new room has much more age-appropriate toys, more outdoor space, and lots of fun puzzles, a light box and lots of playmates and activities to share in. We're thrilled, and looking forward to seeing Nate continue to blossom!

And hanging out in his new room with a new puzzle.....and trying out some painting....

Nate in the far left...

Nate has made awesome progress with his physical skills more recently, and takes particular delight in walking from one end of the wall in our back yard, to the far end which involves stepping down some levels. In fact he will do this over and over again, balancing on the beam and chatting away happily to whomever is walking beside him. He'll often stop to smile and laugh at anyone who happens to be outside watching him (like Granny and Grandaddy), and point at the tree in the middle, and make a little excited sound along with it! It gets to the point that we have to sign 'once more' and 'finish' to him, so he knows that we'll soon be stopping. Like all nearly 3year olds, Nate doesn't like games stopping until he's good and ready, so we have to do this to give him fair warning! He holds his hand and little finger up, signing 'once more' and then makes the 'finish' sign back, so we know he understands and that stops any tantrums. However the sneaky little bugger has learnt some tricks - he gets halfway through the wall walk, and tries to turn-around back to the start, so that he is technically still on his 'once more'! No flies on our boy :-)

Out of the way Mummy!
Learning to step up and balance

Nate has also being enjoying bonding time with his sisters over summer. He LOVES to run around after them chasing the ball. He gets super excited, and bosses them about if they happen to stop running for an instance. He quickly points at them to run, and gives them a helping pat directionally! Lots of gleeful noises and 'more, more, more!'. It's fun to see him so animated. His bigger sister has gone away to university now, but he still took great delight when his other sister showed up last weekend, quickly directing her out on to the lawn with his ball!

We've also been getting out and about a but more over summer months, well when I have had the energy! More on that later. Here is our little man at a different park near by, fun to see him excited to explore something new. As you can probably tell I'm official photographer, so there are never as many photos of me with our little man as there are of Robin!

And here he is at one of the Auckland jump parks having a jump with Daddy - while he likes running around the tramps, he hasn't yet really grasped the jumping on them concept as yet. His balance is not the greatest so when he tries, he pretty quickly ends up on his butt! The gap between Nate and typical kids his age is very apparent when he is in an environment like this, both physically and socially. But we figure it has to be good for helping him develop his balance, his co-ordination, and ultimately more core strength. This might have to be a regular thing for the next term to see if helps the very least Robin will be fitter :-)

Other big news - Nate has also learnt his numbers! He is still largely non-verbal, but he knows which number is which and if you ask him to show you which is '3' on his mat or which is '7' (or other), then he will excitedly show you! Loves it! Another benefit of being in daycare I think! Reaching milestones like that is so rewarding - we are just so proud of our little man. Here he is hanging with his Grandaddy....and the end of a big summer day :-)



Saturday, February 6, 2016

Early 2016 Beach holiday at Omaha

Towards the end of January, we took the opportunity to shoot off to Omaha for a lovely ten days at a rented bach. It was awesome and a real treat! Such a great holiday place with all the houses (even those that are not beachfront) literally only a short path walk away from what is a stunning 3km stretch of beach. Needless to say, Nate (and we) adored it. My folks also joined us, which was great for us all to get some quality R&R time, although unfortunately we didn't get to see the girls this time around.

Below are just some of the happy shots that we took. Sadly only one taken at a different beach slightly north, as we were always too busy playing in the Omaha surf with Nate which was a bit of a two person job as he tore along the sand and made dives at the waves. He has absolutely no concept of safety in the surf as yet, and because of his very limited verbal skills explaining it is pretty difficult - but he was very keen to play and stamp and splash in the water! We also got no shots of him enjoying his very first Mr Whippy ice cream (he is a true kiwi kid now!), or the resulting mess as he insisted on self feeding :-)

We did have one challenging moment while we were away as Nate's anxiety was pretty full-on on the first day when we went to a local vineyard (Brick Bay) for a spot of lunch and to celebrate my folks last wedding anniversary (49th!). As a result we weren't able to go on the Brick Bay sculpture walk that was thoroughly recommended, but at least he calmed down when we found that they had a swing...and hot chips :-). The anxiety was probably not surprising though given that he was in a different house, a different bed, and out and about in a place that he wasn't at all familiar with, but at times like that it's very apparent that Nate isn't your 'typical' toddler. And frankly, it's not so easy those days. Going out as a family to what seems like pretty innoculously events or places, can be quite a mission - for everyone.

However after the first day, he settled pretty quickly and we had some great afternoons at the beach, lots of fun exploring the many playgrounds in both Omaha and Warkworth, and many walks out and about on his trike. Plus lots of good food and wine, and all in a very relaxing setting. We could so get used to a relaxed beach life....who knows, maybe one day! :-). After all, we won a one in a hundred million genetics lottery with Nate, maybe our numbers will come up in Lotto one day?!

Playing Cars with Grandaddy
Entertaining himself with a Xmas present from the UK Ryan's
Feeding himself, and playing with his iPad (while G&G go old school with the printed paper :-))
On a day trip up to Leigh, checking out the wharf
Stopping at a playground just north of Omaha
Quick paddle with Mummy...lucky we packed a change of clothes!
Chilling at our rented home
Story time with Mummy
His favourite page - Scarface Claw!
EARLY one morning - selfies!
Kisses to himself! Vain little chap!!
Watching the visiting seagulls
Hanging with Daddy on the lawn one evening...
Spot of kicking....
Another day, another park :-)
First time in a tunnel slide, at Stables playground
Playing with the fire truck at Stables
Driving Miss Mummy!
Driving lesson with Daddy!
So Exciting!!
Visiting the donkeys...
Redirecting his patting away from Donkey's mouth, to a safer spot!
Patting the goat (sadly the black pig was having a nap!)
Very independent now on his feeding!
Cutest monkey ever. Period.