Monday, October 31, 2016

October update on Nate at 'school'

While Nate's verbal communication skills haven't really progressed on much in the last couple of months (beyond the progress of 'star' and 'are' in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star), he has been making great progress with his core board. We have also started using this at daycare, check out the below for the latest update from Laura. Love our little man so much :-)


"Silly! Silly! Silly!"

October 2016

Nate, the more and more I get to know you, the more I discover what a super star you are! You are constantly surprising me and we always have a good laugh and a giggle! This month we have introduced your core board into your day here at Bear Park and when you first saw this, you were very excited to bring it out and utilise it! It is great that there are similarities between here and home, helping to establish your sense of belonging and wellbeing.

Hayley and I are still learning how to use it, but your eagerness to bring it out has been a huge help. This has allowed us to feel confident in working with it alongside you and empowered you to use it in a variety of situations. I have found that it has allowed us the opportunity to get to know your personality even more as you are able to communicate with us in more ways

One afternoon I was sitting with you watering some plants and we were taking turns to use the spray gun, where I would point to the words "your turn" or "my turn" whilst watering. This worked really well and you were able to patiently wait, knowing that it would be your turn again soon. This same afternoon, you discovered a fish net glove on the table. You threw it across the room towards me, seeming to not really want to touch it. I picked it up and put it on my hand and when I slowly pulled it off it pinged across the room. Well, you thought this was just hilarious! You laughed a real belly laugh and immediately looked down at the chart and pointed to 'silly'! This continued for some time as you wanted 'more', always ending in a right giggle and pointing to Hayley and I saying we were silly!

The next week that you came in we were using the chart with Anna (speech therapist) who came in to work alongside us to see what other ways we can use it. We sat together for our investigation into our new tadpole friends that have arrived in the Tui room. This provided many opportunities to use it as we could include 'look', 'fish', 'little', 'fast' and more. You were able to repeat the messages after us and even tell us that you liked the fish/tadpoles and came closer to have a look.

We have been using your chart during every meal time which has been very successful too, allowing you to inform us of what you really like to eat and when you are finished. You would often tell me when you wanted 'more' and would point to the food on the tray that you wanted more of. At one point I asked you if you would like some water, using the words and pictures on the chart to prompt you. You then noticed the picture of the ice cream next to the water and pointed to that instead. I laughed, pointing to the 'no', repeating the water symbol. Smiling asking you again, 'water' you looked at me with a cheeky grin, pointing to the ice cream again! You have such a beautiful sense of humour and it was awesome that this chart is allowing us to get to know your sense of humour even more! Eventually you gave in, after pointing to 'silly', recognising the game was all a bit of fun. You pointed to the water, and picked up your cup ready to fill it up. At the end of the meal time, you were able to point to 'finished', letting me know that you were ready to go and play.

One afternoon when you came to see me outside and play on the playground, you were very busy exploring a toy truck on top of the boxes. I told you it was time to put sunblock on, but you were so focused on what you were doing that you didn't really want to stop to slip, slop and slap. I managed to get your attention as I placed a blob of sunblock on my own nose. I then pointed to the chart for 'your turn' where you leant your face towards me, ready for the blob on your nose too! Applying sunscreen to the rest of your face and neck was now easy, and a fun game and that had you all ready for some fun in the sun.

The new toilet chart is working very well too as you now know what to expect and are able to sit longer and longer each time on the toilet. Perhaps the sticker at the end is a good incentive for you too!The new toilet chart is working very well too as you now know what to expect and are able to sit longer and longer each time on the toilet. Perhaps the sticker at the end is a good incentive for you too!

We are so proud of how far you have come and how quickly you have adapted to not only the use of your core chart, but in whole the Tui room environment and routines. You really are an inspiration!

Your core board has attracted a few of your friends to come and have a look too as they are curious to see what we are having a good laugh and lots of smiles over. This could be really helpful to work alongside you and your friends as they become more familiar with the words and language to use with you. Modelling is essential for your language development, hence why we will continue to work with you with the use of your core chart, and have it available to share with us and your friends when you want to communicate your needs and wants. Through repetition and revisiting these key words and short sentences, your sense of belonging will continue to flourish. We have already seen a huge change in your communication, interactions, social skills, turn taking and involvement in the routines at Bear Park, so we can't wait to see how this will continue to grow over the next few months.

Ka pai Nate!











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