Friday, December 2, 2016

Bear Park Birthday / Christmas Party

Bear Park recently held an evening celebration for their Birthday at the zoo. It was held on a Friday night from 5pm after the zoo closed to the public, and tickets were sold to students and their families from all the Auckland Bear Parks. I was a little nervous about taking Nate as his anxiety can be a challenge at times and that could have meant that no sooner do we get there than we would have to turn around and head home again. Especially when it was after one of his days at school, and he typically comes home from those shattered from all the sensory input.

But in this case, I needn't have worried - he was super excited when we arrived, and particularly when he saw one of his teachers near the front gate (Hayley), followed up by the Bear Park bear who he was particularly excited about! Our daycare's picnic location was right by the play ground which suited Nate perfectly with great access to the slide :-). Nate had a ball, and even posed for some photos with another favourite teacher (Laura). A great night and a lot of fun to be able to participate and be part of.....


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